Sanduíches no Forno a Lenha

  1. Beirute de Rosbife

    Rosbife, mozarela Cristal, alface, tomate e orégano
    Rost beef, home-style mozzarella cheese, lettuce, tomato and oregano

  2. Beirute de Paillard

    Paillard, mozarela Cristal, alface, tomate e oregano
    Paillard steak, home-style mozzarella cheese, lettuce, tomato and oregano

  3. Beirute de Peru

    Peru, alface, tomate e orégano
    Turkey breast, lettuce, tomato and oregano

  4. Beirute de Frango

    Peito de frango, alface, tomate e orégano
    Checken breast, lettuce, tomato and oregano

  5. L’Hamburguini

    Massa de pizza , hamburguer de picanha e mozarela
    Pizza dough, hamburger steak and mozzarella

  6. Cristal

    Pão francês, rosbife, provolone e tomate
    French roll, roast beef, provolone cheese and tomato